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Monday, February 20, 2017

Bar Names, Part II

In our last discussion of bar names, RST identified "Tuo Bar" and "Mio Bar" ("Your Bar" and "My Bar") as two of our favorites.  Here are a few more, with comments.

Angolo means "corner"--the same term used for corner
kicks in soccer.  "Corner Bar": very common, and
a trifle postmodern, in that it takes its proper name
from common speech, as in "let's go have drink
at the corner bar.  

Can't get any simpler than that.  In a Rome suburb.  
Bar dei Cacciatori--Hunters'  Bar.  More common
in small towns and villages, where people hunt.  I'm not aware
of a Bar dei Cacciatori in Rome.  

Vince comes from "Vincere"--to win.  Possible
translation: "Victory Bar."
A common bar name, which doesn't translate well.
"Encounter Bar" would be literal, but
"Meeting Place" would be more literate.


A weird one.  Caffe' Apocalypse is in the foothills
town of Aielli near Monte Sirente.  Drinks after a long trek with an Italian hiking group on the gola and serra of Celano.  

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